Susti, Neliya2013-02-022013-02-022013-02-02 studi aimed to determine the relationship knowledge of fluid intake and how to control of fluid intake with weight gain in chronic renal failure patiens undergoing hemodialysis in hospital Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. The design of this study used a descriptive analytic. Samples were taken with purousive sampling. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire that had been tested the validity and reability. Analyzes used univariate and bivariate analysis. Chi square statistical test results obtained a significant relationship knowledge of fluid intake with weight gain p=0,014 < ∝0,05 and obtained a signifikan relationship how to control of fluid intake with weight gain p= 0,038 < ∝0,05. Based on these results, the advice to healthcare professionals who work in a hemodialysis in order to more actively provide guidance or health education about of fluid intake and how to control fluid intake in order to get maximum results and not incur losses from the impact of violating restriction of fluid intake.enCRFcontrolingfluid intake and weight gainhemodialysisHubungan pengetahuan tentang asupan cairan dan cara pengendalian asupan cairan terhadap penambahan berat badan pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisaOther