Narullevi, Hadis2015-07-032015-07-032015-07-03Dody species of Tabemaemontana sphaerocarpa Bl member of Apocynaceae family, have been traditionally implemented in the treatment of antimalarial, bactericide, scabies medicine, ulcer, and strained (Eryanti et all., 2004). In vitro studies in this work presented some of the compounds such as terpenoid, alkaloid, and fenoiik. In 2005, Andrade et all., had been isolation of Tabemaemontana australis that included indole alkaloid as coronaridine(l), voacangine(2), voacangine hiroxyindolenine(3), rapicoline(4), ibogamine(5), ibogaine(6), ibogaline(7), and decetil-voacangine(8) and reported as anti inflamamoiy, anti-malarial, anti-HIV, and anti-cancer compounds. This study directs the attention to the antifungal, antibacterial, and anticancer from etilasetat fraction of Tabemaemontana sphaerocarpa Blen-USTabemaemontana sphaerocarpa Blantibacterial activityanticancer activity.Uji Aktivitas Antimikrobial Dan Toksisitas Fraksi Etilasetat Dari Daun Tumbuhan Tabemaemantana sphaerocarpa Bl (Apocynaceae)UR e-Research