Sidauruk, Candra2013-05-152013-05-152013-05-15Muchtar Rahmat purpose of this study to identify and analyze the factors that influence consumer decisions in buying Suzuki car in PT. Trada Central Buanamobil Pekanbaru Branch and to know the efforts made to improve the decision of buying a car Suzuki on PT. Trada Central Buanamobil Pekanbaru branch. The population is around 378 customers in 2011 is the customer who bought the car Suzuki on PT. Trada Sental Buanamobil Pekanbaru Branch. Sampling method with accidental sampling method, using Slovin formula so obtained a sample of 79 people, analysis of data using multiple regression models. The results simultaneously-F count> F-table (27.640> 2.495) means that simultaneous cultural, social, personal and psychological factors and a significant positive influence on consumer decisions in purchasing the car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru. The better the socio-cultural factors, personal and psychological consumer's decision in purchasing the car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru will increase. Partial test results (t test) cultural, social, personal and psychological significantly influence consumer decisions in the purchase of a car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru. Independent variables are the most dominant influence on consumer decisions are psikolgis variable (X4) of 0.256. then social variables (X2) of 0.184. Consumer's decision to purchase a car brand Suzuki APV at PT Trada Buanamobil Central Branch Pekanbaru most consumers expressed agree.otherCulturalSocialPersonalPsychologicalConsumer DecisionAnalisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Produk Suzuki pada PT. Buanamobil Sentral Trada Cabang Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree