YUSMA, PADHIKA2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5049Implementation of Regents Regulation No. 08 of 2006 on technical guidance in the implementation of rural development programs otonomy towards independent village infrastructure in Indragiri Hilir (case studies in the District of Gaung Anak Serka). This research purposes to know the Implementation of Regents Regulation No. 08 of 2006 on technical guidance in the implementation of rural development programs otonomy towards independent village infrastructure in Indragiri Hilir (case studies in the District of Gaung Anak Serka). This research using method descriptive qualitative, where the data done with sowball sampling techniques through interview and observation field. Research focused on study in community empowerment that can be found the result of thorough in the program village mandiri infrastructure. The result showed empowerment program village mandiri have walked but implementation is not maximum field and still suffered many obstacles.otherPolicy ImplementationPPDInfrastucturIMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN BUPATI NO. 08 TAHUN 2006 TENTANG PETUNJUK TEKNIS PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN DESA DALAM RANGKA OTONOMI MENUJU DESA MANDIRI BIDANG INFRASTRUKTUR DI KABUPATEN INHIL (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Gaung Anak Serka)student Paper Post Degree