Yunitamel, LusyAhmad AdriantoZahrina Ida2012-10-232012-10-232012-10-23nurasmi, production sago in Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti reaches 450,000 tons per year. Increased production of sago starch is followed by an increase of sago wastewater. In producing sago starch needs 20,000 liters of water per ton of sago which 94% water will be wastewater. The wastewater has a high COD levels and potention to converted be biogas. One of treatment for sago wastewater to be biogas uses hybrid anaerobic bioreactor which combines the suspended growth systems and attached growth system. The object of this research is to determine the optimum of organic loading rate with highest biogas production. The research uses hybrid anaerobic bioreactor with volume 10 liters and media stones. The variation of the organic loading rate is 12,5: 16,7, 25 and 50 kgCOD/m3day and conditioned at room temperature. The results showed that the organic loading rate has influence in producing biogas. The biogas production optimum at the organic loading rate 25 kgCOD/m3day and steady state on 14th days with production of biogas is 41,600 ml.otheranaerobicbiogashybrid bioreactorsago wastewaterPENGARUH LAJU PEMBEBANAN ORGANIK TERHADAP PRODUKSI BIOGAS DARI LIMBAH CAIR SAGU MENGGUNAKAN BIOREAKTOR HIBRID ANAEROBArticle