Miranti2013-04-052013-04-052013-04-05Nickmatil Verdani Fitrihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2778Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tidak Tercapainya Volume Penjualan ProdukPT. COCA-COLA Pekanbaru is one of company engaged in the soft drink industry, is located on highway Bangkinang mile 9, which is number 1 Pekanbaru. The company`s main activities are the manufacture of soft drinks and the marketing effort. The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of failure to achieve sales product volume of PT. COCA-COLA Pekanbaru. This study began on January 2012 by using interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive of accidental sampling. From the result of this study, it can be conclueded that the realization of soft drink sales volume in PT. COCA-COLA Pekanbaru was not optimaldue to the low quality of goods, consumer tastes, service to customers and the competition to give lower price. The company product did a lot of policies in order to increase sales volume. The company has done the planning and control of product quality as possible. The company also increased the efficiency of the factory`s work in order to reduce the selling price of the product. And the company also has active the product distribution channels and implement the promotion of product through various advertising media. According to respondent, 37% brand product, 44% packaging products and 41% competing products are in very good condition. The rest respondents said 49% of the product label, 41% flavor product, 37% product advertising, 45% sales promotion, 57% product publicity and 46% personal selling are all in good condition.en-USTarget SaleQuality of GoodsConsumer TastesService to CostomersThe Competition to Give Lower PriceFaktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tidak Tercapainya Volume Penjualan Produk Pt.Coca-Cola Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree