Yusrianto, EdiSaam, ZulfanMulyadi, ArasZulkarnain, Zulkarnain2018-03-122018-03-122018-03-12978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/9317Every Society possesses distinctive local wisdoms, encompasses the maintanence of lake, river banks, lands and forests. The society of Kuantan Singingi regency, such as Teratak Air Hitam, Siberakun, Simandolak villages having local wisdom to frimarily protect Hutan Larangan (prohibited forest), river banks as well as traditional ethno technology with friendly environments. This is qualitative research design in case study. The data are collected through observation, depth interview and key informan derived from the chief of five tribes, namely : Melayu, Paliang Soni, Chaniago, Patayo and Caromin tribes. The local wisdom form of Rantau Kuantan, they are : the maintanence of Hutan Larangan (prohibited forest), river managements, by planting trees which are protectable toward abrasion and using a friendly ethno technology. The prohibited forests aren’t allowed to be somehow cut down, taken away its products for private interests, because there are conventional rules along whith strong traditional sanctions. Furthermore, river banks protection is carried out through trees plantation which are capable of resisting abrasion, such as bamboo, aur (smaller than bamboo), betung (larger than bamboo), mali-mali ( a wild plant naturally grow up along a river bank usable for river bank protection). Waru ( a wild plant with a large leafs), Jambak ( a wild plant in with its fruits are eatable), Bungur ( a wild plant whith heavy leafs, Jai-jai / Baringin ( a wild plant whith many roots), Sungkai ( a wild plant for furniture), Ara ( a wild plant in which its fruits are eatable), Ara Bumbung ( a wild plant in which its fruits are eatable to bird and fish), Linsono ( a wild plant whith red rubber), Enau = sugar palm ( a wild plant in which its fiber is usable for many purposes), Pinang (areca nut), Tebu air/Taboraw/Parupuk ( a wild plant which is similar to sugar cane), Pimping ( a wild plant which is smaller than sugar cane), and Katapang ( a wild plant like almond tree growing near river bank which bears edible nuts). As for ethno technoloby, such as guntang (floated hook), jala ( a hand –held casting net), jaring ( a fishing net), posok (fishing trapped net), rawai (fishing line hook), lintoban (fishing basket made of rottan), panila/pangilar ( a fishing trap made of rottan, jantang ( a fishing stick made of brand of bamboo), luka ( a fishing trap made of bamboo), kail ( a fishing hook), sarokok ( a fishing trap whith conical form), tangguak ( a fishing trap of rottan) and sintak ( a fishing four-sided net). The society has good knowledge of many spicies of tree and of colors, the knowledge is usable for coloring fishing instruments, such as for coloring floated hook, fishing stick, gear ner, and fishing ring.enLocal wisdomenvironmentLOCAL WISDOM (KEARIFAN LOKAL) MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN DAN PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN OLEH NINIK MAMAK DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI PROVINSI RIAUArticle