Sari, Oni K2013-08-012013-08-012013-08-01Nofianti,S.Pd Pembentukan Kosakata Kanji Majemuk Bahasa Jepang (Nihongo no Kanji Jukugo no Gokeisei)This study is focus to analyze the Kanji compound in Japanese language. The purpose of this study is to understand and discovercomprehensively of the modification structure of kanji compound in Japanese language. So that there will be no errors in comprehension them particularly for students. The methods applied in this study is descriptive where the primary data gathered from Asahi Newspaper.en-USKanjiJapanese languageStruktur Pembentukan Kosakata Kanji Majemuk Bahasa Jepang (Nihongo no Kanji Jukugo no Gokeisei)student Paper Post Degree