Lativa, Dinia2023-08-102023-08-102023-06PerpustakaanElfitra purpose of this study is to determine the output dose and to interprete the image recordings on nasopharynx tissue using CT-Scan, analyze the output dose for finding the magnitude of the effective dose and determine abnormal tissue volume nasopharynx by active contour segmentation method. This research is divided into three stage, the first is a survey of hospital. The second is a survey of requirements in retrieving the resulting image data medical patients. This study uses image data on a radiodiagnostic device CT Scan. This collection is carried out at the Radiology and Radiodiagnostic Installation Semen Padang Hospital, Kecamatan Pauh, Padang City, West Sumatra. Third stage is a medical image data processing using the PHP programming language at Computational Biophysics Laboratory. Result of This CT scan is in the form of an image that can identify the location of the tumor or cancer, size, depth and volume. The results require the effective dose by viewing the dose report from scanning using numerical methods. To start programming, this requires data input in the form of an image from the CT scan of the suspected patient experiencing abnormalities in the nasopharynx which will be evaluated gradually using the active contour method. The output dose can be viewed on the computer radiologist monitoring. The output dose data are in the form of CTDIvol, DLP, scan type, size neck phantom. The output dose data value for each patient is different, this is caused by different disease variables. The largest volume is found in EL patients who is 51 years old by 390 pixels. The smallest volume is found in AR patients who is 58 year old by 160 Pixels. The value of the effective dose for each patient depends on the type and position of abnormal parts of the nasopharynx. This factor is caused by different CTDIvol and DLP dose values and their empirical weight factor values at the neck part is determined by 0,0059 mSv. mGy−−1, for each age patient over 15 years old.enNasopharynxContourGrayVolumeDoseMENENTUKAN DOSIS EFEKTIF DAN VOLUME KETIDAKNORMALAN JARINGAN NASOFARING DENGAN METODE AKTIF KONTUR MENGGUNAKAN KOMPUTASIArticle