Haryanto2014-05-052014-05-052014-05-05MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6157A company should always survive in order to continue to compete with similar companies that are equally engaged in the business of housing. Quote PT. Bina Fabelia accompanied by a variety of sales strategies are applied, it is used by consumers as a tool for making product purchasing decisions. Since the number of companies engaged in the field of housing, then the company must be careful in understanding consumer response, not to hear a variety of complaints that could hurt the company. The population was 100 people, techniques for sample collection, the writer uses purposive sampling technique is to determine the sample mean with a fairly strong consideration. Data were collected and measured using a simple regression analysis. The results with simple regression testing and obtained there the most dominant influence of factors of consumer response to the product housing.otherConsumer Response,Housing Products,PT Bina FabeliaPENGARUH RESPON KONSUMEN TERHADAP PRODUK PERUMAHAN (STUDI ANALISIS STRATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK PT. BINA FABELIA PEKANBARU)student Paper Post Degree