Asmiwati, AsmiwatiHanifah, T. Abu2018-03-122018-03-122018-03-12978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yeni Oil processing produces a production and a waste. Crude oil waste liquid has been carried out inindustrial areas. This is done to save the environment and human health. Crude Oil processing has been the same with the quality standards, however, to minimize crude oil waste liquid, it is required the management of liquid waste oil by using a model crude oil processing produces a production and a waste water liquid by The Processing Separator TPI and Separator Biotreatment, 2016, of liquid petroleum, to minimize waste so that it generated as small as possible or close to zero, is also called Clean Production in Industry.enWaterWasteSeparatoe TPIEfektifitas Pengolahan Limbah Cair Minyak Bumi Dengan Mengunakan Separator Tpi Dan Separator BiotreatmentArticle