Wahyudi2013-05-152013-05-152013-05-15Sahla, S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3380PENGARUH LATIHAN LOMBA SLALOM MENGGIRING BOLA TERHADAP KELINCAHAN DALAM MENGGIRING BOLAPENGARUH LATIHAN LOMBA SLALOM MENGGIRING BOLA TERHADAP KELINCAHAN DALAM MENGGIRING BOLA PADA TIM SEPAKBOLA SMK TARUNA PEKANBARU , . , . , , , . , . PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU . ABSTRACT Result the identification of the problem showed that Pekanbaru’s Taruna Vocational High School of football team have not a good agility on dribble ball. This is due to luck of exercise leads to physical condition and tecknique in dribbling. Therefore this research, aims to know significant effect on the race slalom dribbling drill for agility on dribbling at Pekanbaru’s Taruna Vocational High school of football team. This research is experimental research. This research conducted on Pekanbaru’s Taruna Vocational High School of football team. Data obtained and collected trought pretest and posttest before and after exercise slalom race dribbling ball to agility in dribbling. Data were analyzed descriptively, and then tested the hypothesis that the problem has been lodget under, that is : there are significant race slalom dribbling drills (X), significant with agility results in dribbling (Y). by t test analysis produces tcount 7,506 ttable 1,740. That’s mean t count > t table. It can be conclude that H0 rejected and h1 accepted at alpha level of 0,05 with a confidence level of 99.5 %. Results of analysis shows that there is a significant effect of the training slalom dribble to agility in dribbling on Pekanbaru’s Taruna Vocational high school of football team. With the application of the principles of training to race slalom dribble effectively increasing the agility of dribble at Pekanbaru’s Taruna High School of football team.otherExercise race slalom dribbling drillagility on dribblingPENGARUH LATIHAN LOMBA SLALOM MENGGIRING BOLA TERHADAP KELINCAHAN DALAM MENGGIRING BOLA PADA TIM SEPAKBOLA SMK TARUNA PEKANBARUOther