Rinanda2013-05-152013-05-152013-05-15Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3377The purpose of the research study of Swing Voter to The Natinonal Awakening Party PKB (Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa) in the village of Saik and Banjar guntung Village in Kuantan Mudik on Districy Home coming at Legislative Election in the Year 2009 is to determine what factor sare becoming the dominant cause of the migration of people to the party’s choicein the legislative elections of 2009 in Saik and Banjar Guntung Village in Kuantan Mudik. The population used in this study 1280 people where samples are by as many as 93 people Slovin Method. The Slovin Method where by samples are in each sub population. Data analysis technique that in this study is by using methods of quantitive analysis. From the results of this research can be seen that there are four factors that affect the migration of the people’s choice of self-identification with the party such as the party’s image and the socialization is not balanced and also the appearance of the candidate. It is known that the most dominant influenceis the appearance of the candidat. Where the results of the public response to the appearance of the candidate is seen that the people choose a particular party because the Legislative Candidates carried by the party it self.otherIdentify Yourself With a PartyParty ImageThe Campaign and Socialization UnbalancedCandidate AppearanceSTUDI PEMILIH BERPINDAH (SWING VOTER) KE PARTAI KEBANGKITAN BANGSA DI DESA SAIK DAN BANJAR GUNTUNG DI KECAMATAN KUANTAN MUDIK PADA PEMILIHAN UMUM LEGISLATIF TAHUN 2009student Paper Post Degree