Hasnita, AsniNovayelinda, RiriRahmalia, Siti2013-07-062013-07-062013-07-06http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4166The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between the experienced of getting invasive procedures with the responses of children’s fear. The design of this research is cross-sectional design. This sampling tachnique explored total sampling with 70 preschoolers. The instruments of this research used observational sheet contained 19 statements about the responses of children’s fear who have been hospitalized. Analysis of the research used spearman correlation test. The statistic result obtained p value<alpha, it means that there is relationship between the experienced of getting invasive procedures with the responses of children’s fear who have been hospitalized in pediatric room, Arifin Achmad Public Hospital. Based on this result, the researcher suggested to nurseto identify or reduce the scared children who have been hospitalized.enfearhospitalization, preschoolHUBUNGAN PENGALAMAN DILAKUKAN TINDAKAN INVASIVE DENGAN RESPON PERILAKU KETAKUTAN ANAK USIA PRASEKOLAH YANG MENGALAMI HOSPITALISASIOther