Evy, RossiUsman, PatoFitriani, Shanti2014-01-272014-01-272014-01-27978-80-970168-4-5wahyu sari yenihttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5330Tempoyak is a traditional fermented food made of durian fruit in Indonesia. Enterococcus sp was isolated from tempoyak. The objective of these researches were to study Enterococcus sp ability (UP-9, UP-11, and UP-14) in taurocholate acid conjugation and cholesterol binding and the effect of addition of skim milk (SM) and sucrose (Sc) concentration as a source of nutrition for the bacteria to produce probiotic beverage. The beverage was made from pineapple skin extract that had essential nutrition (but contain relatively low) for bacteria growth.enThe Effect Of Concentration Of Skimmed Milk And Sucrose On The Quality Of Probiotic Beverage Made From Pineapple Skin Extract Fermented By Enterococcus Sp. Of TempoyakUR-Scientific Work Lecturer