Prahasiwi, Syifa Wahyuni2024-03-142024-03-142023-11PerpustakaanElfitra insurance is a protection effort provided by the insurer against risks to the insured’s life that will arise from an unpredictable event. Insurance companies need to calculate reserves to prepare funds when participants request a claim. Zillmer’s reserves are modified reserves that are calculated using prospective reserves and a zillmer rate of α.This final project aims to determine Zillmer reserve of endowment life insurance for two insurance participants who are x years old by using Frechet distribution. The parameters in the Frechet distribution were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation and then determined by a Newton-Raphson iteration method. The calculation of this Zillmer’s reserve is obtained by using the prospective reserve and Zillmer’s rate. The solution of this problem is obtained by determining the initial life annuity temporary, single premium, and annual premium, then the Zillmer’s reserve formula is obtained based on the distribution of Frechet. Zillmer’s reserves for endowment life insurance using the Frechet distribution is smaller than Zillmer’s reserve for endowment life insurance using the Indonesian Mortality Table 2011enZillmer reserveendowment life insuranceFrechet distributionmaximumlikelihoodCADANGAN ZILLMER ASURANSI JIWA DWIGUNA MENGGUNAKAN DISTRIBUSI FRECHETElfitraArticle