Khudin, Mifta2012-11-212012-11-212012-11-21yeni Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood into adulthood. The transition period is the critical period which many changes that occur in adolescence. Adolescence start concern about body weight and body shape. It encourages young people to go on a diet. Many factors related to the reasons why teenagers do diet. Individual factors, family and the environment contribute to dietary behavior in adolescents, but body image dissatisfaction and motivation to become thinner is the biggest factor. Unhealthy dietary behaviors that develops in adolescents will have effect on physical growth, nutritional deficiencies, and psychosocial development in adolescence. And increases the risk of deviant eating behaviors (eating disorder) such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This research is descriptive. The aim of this descriptive research was to dieting behavior in adolescent in SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. The samples of this study were the students of SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. Samples were selected by proportionate stratified random sampling method. Nutritional status was assessed by measuring BMI. Body image was assessed by Silhouttes questionnaire. Dietary behavior was assessed by using a questionnaire eating attitude test / EAT-26. Samples obtained from 87 adolescents with eating disorders likely 8 persons (9.2%).otherAdolescentbody imagenutrion statusdieting behaviorGAMBARAN PERILAKU DIET PADA REMAJA SMAN 1 PEKANBARUArticle