Gimin2017-10-122017-10-122017-10-121411-5352wahyu sari yeni research aimed to investigate the influence of job competency (X1), role clarity (X2) and work motivation (X3) on the success of small-scale business (Y). Ninety four samples were taken by proportional quota random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions and path analyzed with 5% significance level. From path analysis, it was found that Y was directly affected by X2 and X3 with the effectiveness of 6,2% and 24,5%. The X1 affects Y indirectly with the effectiveness of 14,1%. Through multiple regression, it was found that X1, X2, X3 together affect Y significantly with the effectiveness of 26,2%.enjob competencyrole claritywork motivationthe success of small-scale businessThe Influence Of Job Competency, Role Clarity, And Work Motivation On The Success Of Small-Scale BusinessArticle