Sanjaya, Suci IslamiRoslim, Dewi IndriyaniHerman2016-01-302016-01-302016-01-30wahyu sari yeni (Manihot esculenta Cranzt.) is a species that has high adaptability to acidic and poor nutrient soil in Riau Province. This province has high cassava genotypes that distributed in several districts, including Rokan Hilir. The variegata and keriting cassava are cassava genotypes from Rokan Hilir, but the genetic studies to isolation DNA have never been conducted. This study was aimed to isolate and electrophoresis the total DNA of variegata dan keriting cassava. The research methods included the isolation of DNA from fresh leaves of the variegata dan keriting cassava using CTAB (Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide) method and the electrophoresis was conducted ina 1,2% agarose gel to know the quantity and quality of total DNA obtained. The results showed that the quality of the total DNA of variegata dan keriting cassava with thick band and intact. The concentration of total DNA obtained approximately 700-1000 ng/ μlenDNA isolationelectrophoresisManihot esculentaRiautotal DNAISOLASI DAN ELEKTROFORESIS DNA TOTAL DARI UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) GENOTIPE VARIEGATA DAN KERITING ASAL PROVINSI RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree