MAULANA, IQBAL2012-11-072012-11-072012-11-07MUCHTAR RAHMAT services provided by the Library, Archives and Documentation Riau Province in accordance with the Standard Operating membership includes administrative services, lending services and service return library materials library materials. Services are assessed based on five variables that are tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and assurance which research using qualitative methods. The results of the five variables which services performed of Library, Archives and Documentation has not been implemented optimally. Limiting factors due to the limited human resources, the existing technology and the limited number of visitors or users of the library who can not maintain the confidence of the damage library materials such as ripping, cross out even eliminate library materials .otherTangibleEmpatyReliabilitiResponsifAssuranceANALISIS EFEKTIFITAS PELAYANAN PADA BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN, ARSIP DAN DOKUMENTASI PROVINSI RIAUArticle