Aprianti, Rini2013-05-012013-05-012013-05-01Wahono.M.Sihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3118Based on the result of the result in chapter IV, STAD can improve the student’s ability in comprehending recount text. The improvement of the students can be seen from the score of the students that had increased from the first to the third test. In the data, the average score of the first test (pre-test) is 57.58, while the average score of the second test (post-test I) is 66.42 and the average of last test (post-test II) is 77.95. So, the researcher concluded that STAD can improve the students’ reading ability at the second year students of SMP N 21 Pekanbaru in comprehending recount textsTHE USE OF STAD STRATEGY TO IMPROVE READING ABILITY OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN 21 PEKANBARU IN COMPREHENDING RECOUNT TEXT Rini Aprianti Erni Syafri. K Abstract Reading is one of the most important language skills in learning English apart from listening, speaking, and writing. It gives a great contribution to the readers who are willing to gain information and increase their knowledge. This action research was supposed to the use of STAD to improve reading ability of the second year students of SMPN 21 Pekanbaru in comprehending recount texts. The general objective of the research was to find out whether STAD can improve the reading ability of the second year students of SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. The level of achievement in this research was 74. It was based on MMC of English subject in that school. In this research, the writer collected the quantitative data by using multiple choice tests and she collected quantitative data by using observation sheet and field note. Before applying the strategy, the writer started by giving pre-test to know the students’ reading ability or the students’ base score in comprehending recount text before they had been taught through STAD. After conducting pre-test, the writer began to apply STAD strategy in teaching learning process. And then, the writer gave summative test at the end of cycle 1 but the result was not satisfying. Because of that, the writer decided to continue to cycle 2. The result of post test after the second cycle was satisfying because the students’ average score was higher than MMC. From the result, the writer assumed that the students have comprehended recount texts.en-USReading AbilityRecount TextSTADMMCThe Use Of Stad Strategy To Improve Reading Ability Of The Second Year Students Of Smpn 21 Pekanbaru In Comprehending Recount Textstudent Paper Post Degree