Aritonang, E. W.HarisonEfendi, R.2014-03-252014-03-252014-03-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putra paper discusses the efficient sampling methods to ranked set sampling, extreme ranked set sampling, and median ranked set sampling for simple linear regression estimators whose population mean known with concomitant variables. This paper is a review of article “Regression Estimator in Extreme and Median Ranked Set Sampling “ by Muttlak. Their relative efficiency have been compared in order to find the most efficient estimatorotherextreme ranked set samplingmedian ranked set samplingranked set samplingrelative efficiencyand variancePERBANDINGAN PENAKSIR REGRESI LINIER SEDERHANA PADA SAMPLING BERPERINGKAT, SAMPLING EKSTRIM BERPERINGKAT DAN SAMPLING MEDIAN BERPERINGKATOther