Haryandi, MarpiponKarma, AsmaraM, Musraini2013-06-172013-06-172013-06-17Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3707This paper discusses how to solve second order linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients using ELzaki’s transformation method, Euler’s method and the method of variation of parameters. Then described the ELzaki’s transformation properties to be used in solving second order linear ordinary differential equation with variable coefficients. From this review, ELzaki’s transformation method pro- duces particular solutions of second order linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. While the Euler’s method and the method of variation of parameters only generate the general solution of second order linear ordinary differ-ential equations with variable coefficients.otherDerivativeELzaki’s transformationparticular solutionsecond order linear ordinary differential equationvariable coefficientMETODE TRANSFORMASI ELZAKI DALAM MENYELESAIKAN PERSAMAAN DIFERENSIAL BIASA LINEAR ORDE DUA DENGAN KOEFISIEN VARIABELOther