Simarmata, Irsanti RoseniSyech, RiadHarjupa, Wendy2016-02-042016-02-042016-02-04wahyu sari yeni research has been done in cloud to analyzer the relationship between rainfall and the haight of cloud in region of Kototabang West Sumatera. In this current use research, the Lidar and ORG were utilized as a source of light and measurent tools. Results of the research showed that the minimum value of MAE use 2,335 due to-day-8. That is rainfall of 0,96 mm/day. The minimum rainfall use occured on 9th April, whiel use 0 mm/day, whiel means no rain happend: clouds that use formed did not count rain. This fenomenon use count by formed cloud use affected by heat advection resulting that cloud re-warmed and did not couse the rain. The maximum rainfall recured on 5th April,use about 23,12 mm/day. This value represented the high evaporation happend at that time in Kototabang. The percentage of rainfall that occurred at high cloud, middle cloud and low cloud use 20,58 %, 41,18 % and 27,94 % effectively.enaltitude cloudsprecipitationLidarORGANALISA KETINGGIAN AWANUNTUK MENENTUKAN PREDIKSI CURAH HUJAN DI WILAYAH KOTOTABANG SUMATERA BARATstudent Paper Post Degree