Asmurizal, Rino2013-01-032013-01-032013-01-03Arbi Sahuri Appropriate assessment and job objective to encourage employees to improve their knowledge and ability in the performance of its duties. Problems that occur in the assessment of the implementation of the work through DP3 considered necessary administrative formalities for (among others: periodic salary increases, promotions regularly) so charging procedures, timeliness, and the weight value to things that are not important. The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of the Policy Implementation Assessment List of Civil Works In Riau Provincial Education Department. The method used in this research method kualitatifInforman research is Riau Provincial Education Department officials, in 2012. Informants in this study were employees in trouble with the DP3 by 2 people, and the employee has no problem with DP3 by 2 people and employees of Echelon III by 4 people. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. In accordance with the research objectives and the formulation of the problem that has been poured in the background of the study, it can be concluded that the informant who tend to Listing Policy Implementation Implementation Assessment Civil Works In Riau Provincial Education Department, gave a tendency to show aspects of the employee loyalty, job performance, responsibility, obedience, honesty, cooperation, initiative, and leadership. Constraints ditemuin this study the assessment of an employee who has not performed optimally, where often there are employees who "self-assess" or fill out the form DP3 alone without direction from superiors and approve the results of the assessments made by their subordinates.otherEvaluation List Of Works EmployeesPolicyImplementationPELAKSANAAN KEBIJAKAN DAFTAR PENILAIAN PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL PADA DINAS PENDIDIKAN PROVINSI RIAU TAHUN 2011Article