Aulia, Nita2013-08-282013-08-282013-08-28Muchtar Rahmat research is entitled “ The Analysis of the Application of Members Primary Credit Co-orperation Program in Kecamatan Tandun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu in 2010-2012” The KKPA program is one of the democratic economic program intended to increase the properity of local population. Thus in the application the teamwork among companies, co-orperative and local people is required under the surveillance of local government and people’s regional representative council (DPRD) To achieve the goal in applying the program a proper surveillance and financial transparency is required. The research question are how is the analysis of the application of this KKPA program and what obstacles whould be faced during the application. The abjectives of the research are to find out how the program would be applied and what obstacles would be faced. The scope of this research is descriptive. The data was collected from the field and direct interview with authorized spoke person. Based on the finding it was concluded that the application of KKPA program was still not proceeded in a proper way. It could be seen from the obstacles faced by various panties and also lack surveillance and financial. Transparency in the application of thid program. Based on those problem. The writer concluded that the aim of the program is not entirely reached.otherKKPA ProgramEconomyDevelopmentANALISIS PENERAPAN POLA KREDIT KOPERASI PRIMER ANGGOTA (KKPA) PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DI KECAMATAN TANDUN KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU TAHUN 2010-2012student Paper Post Degree