YuniChairulPeratenta Maria2013-04-292013-04-292013-04-29rio andika starch high potential as raw materials for bioethanol production. Sorghum starch consists of amylose 20-30% and amilopektin 70-80%. Bioethanol manufacturing done sakarifikasi and fermentation processes simultaneously (SSF) using enzyme StargenTM 002 and yeast Saccharomycess Cereviciae with varying degrees of acidity (pH) of 4, 4.5 and 5, and fermentation time 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours. Analysis sugar using a spectrophotometer and the remaining bioethanol analysis using Alkoholmeter. The results showed the highest bioethanol concentration at pH 4.5 and the best fermentation time at 48 hours at 5% v /v.otherBioethanolEnzymepHSorghumStargenTM 002PENGARUH VARIASI pH PADA PEMBUATAN BIOETANOL DARI PATI SORGUM DENGAN PROSES SAKARIFIKASI DAN FERMENTASI SERENTAKstudent Paper Post Degree