Siswantoro2016-03-012016-03-012016-03-01978-979-792-512-3wahyu sari yeni is one of cooking food by using height temperature, and conducted in short time. Frying usually is conducted by using cooking oil; moreover it can be conducted without cooking oil. Cooking oil during frying process is used a heat transfer medium, distribute of temperature, and to added a taste. But, during a frying process, a product absorbs cooking oil reach 15 – 18%. These conditions dislike by consumer due to an oily product and can influent rancid so that it’s short in self life. The purpose of the research is conduct modification and developing of fryer without cooking oil. Modification has done by using design of semi mechanic system. Source of power for rotating of fryer cylinder is used from man power, and using transmission of gear, chain, and shaft. Using semi mechanic system is expected that the cost of production can be reduced. Developing of fryer has done by increasing of cylinder fryer dimension for increase product capacity. Research conducted with experiment laboratory as follow steps of design and testing performance. Material used is sand river and chips which is ready to fry. Instrument used is several kinds of tools and machine workshop for producing fryer without cooking oil. Research product is fryer without cooking oil with dimension of length 100 cm, width 80 cm, and height 120 cm. Maximal capacity of fryer about 16.8 kg/hour, with heat source supply from LPG stove.These fryer is operated without electrical energy, and rotated with semi mechanic system, so that the fryer is appropriate for rural industry with limited of electrical source. Thermal efficiency of unit fryer is 35.8%. Using break even point (BEP) analysis is found that minimal chip must be fried about 406 kg/year or equivalent with 26 hours process/ year, with net income about 47,386 (Rp/hour) or equivalent with 4,738,633 (Rp/mountenSiswantorodesignfrying without cooking oilthermal efficiencybreak even pointRancang Bangun Alat Penggoreng Tanpa MinyakDesign of Fryer without Cooking OilUR-Proceedings