Amin, Raja Muhammadwazni2015-01-292015-01-292015-01-29978-979-792-332-7wahyu sari yeni paper describes the relationship between qood qovernance and sustainable development which qood qovernance is essential to sustainable development. Well-functioninq leqal Institutions and qovernments bound bv the rule of law are. in turn. vital to qood qovernance especially in order to solve and minimize the ecology cns1s 1n S1ngingi Hi l1r cause of illegal gold mining (PETI) in Singingi R1ver. Local Government of Kuantan S1nqinq1 Reqencv has the dutv to promote and ensure the rule of law which Includes a balance development between economic, soc1al and environmental aspectsenGood GovernanceSustamable Oeve/opmen( The Rule of Law)Local GovernmentGood Governance and Sustainable Development: Case of Ecology Crisis in Singingi Hilir DistrictUR-Proceedings