Anika, Hera Julia2022-08-152022-08-152022-04PerpustakaanElfitra is a nutritious food containing high protein and essential amino acids which is one of the most popular food ingredients in the world where the food and agriculture organization predicts the demand for beef will continue to increase until 2050. However, beef is an easy food item damaged because meat is an ideal medium for microbial growth. This research is to evaluate beef quality using the PCI-6221-based impedance spectroscopic method which is run using software LabVIEW. The quality, measures the impedance and pH as well as for testing based on virtual instruments. The measurement process uses a platinum electrode sensor with alternating current, and the frequency used is from 10 Hz to 50 kHz which is set in the software. Thickness of beef is, namely 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm. The results of 3 cm showed the impedance value decreased with increasing frequency and increasing storage period from 0 days to 5 days at room temperature due to more permeable cell membranes in the beef. Measurement of pH using the same time and size variation of meat obtain results that increased with increasing storage period due to the activity of microorganisms in meat.enImpedancepHbeefPENGUKURAN KUALITAS DAGING SAPI MENTAH DENGAN METODE IMPEDANSI SPEKTROSKOPIArticle