Fitriani, EcaFitrianiBali, Subardi2016-10-122016-10-122016-10-12wahyu sari yeni residues for three kinds of active ingredient (diazinon, chlorpyrifos and profenofos) in celery (Apium graveolens L.) which have been taken from Padang Laweh Field, West Sumatera, were analyzed using Gas Chromatography. Results showed that were no pesticide residues found in all samples with or without washing. Concentration of phosphate and chloride ions in fresh and hot washing water was ranged from 2.6601 to 4.8890; 0 to 0.3760; 4.0640 to 32.6600 and 0.2280 to 0.4880 ppm, respectively.enPesticide residueCeleryWashing effectANALISIS RESIDU PESTISIDA ORGANOFOSFAT, KLORIDA DAN FOSFAT PADA TANAMAN SELEDRI (Apium graveolens L.) DI PERKEBUNAN PADANG LAWEH SUMATERA BARATstudent Paper Post Degree