Sadad, AbdulYuliani, Febri2021-02-022021-02-022019-10978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni purpose of this study is to analyze how the application of social capital in the effort to empower the brick industry community in the District of Tenayan Raya. Development that needs to be done by the government is not only physical development, but development that leads to community development. Every community development activity is related to the process of community empowerment that is able to utilize the results of empowerment itself. The most appropriate approach in community empowerment is one of them with the development of the industrial sector, community economic empowerment through a group approach, in the form of joint economic ventures. Social capital which is one aspect in the context of community empowerment is often forgotten. Improving the quality of community life can be done by increasing social capital in the community. Seeing the conditions that occur in the stone industry community there has not been a significant increase in the economy in improving the lives of their families. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with research instruments in the form of in-depth interviews, observations and documentation. The results showed that the application of social capital in the brick industry community in the District of Tenayan Raya had not been maximally implemented. From the results of the study it was found that the elements of social capital that most influenced the community were trust and social networking. Besides that, the functioning of community institutions and the role of community leaders have an impact on community empowerment in order to improve the standard of living of the brick industry community in the District of Tenayan Raya.enSocial CapitalEmpowermentthe Brick IndustryMODAL SOSIAL (SOCIAL CAPITAL) DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT INDUSTRI BATU BATAArticle