Hamzah, AmirSuwitnoFeranita2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6331Characteristics of single phase induction generator are obtained with used an equivalent circuit. Modeling and analysis of self-excited single phase induction generator have been done in this paper. Core saturation effect is included in this analysis. An accurate equivalent circuit is required in order to obtain good analysis. Equivalent circuit type Г inverse is derived in this paper from standard equivalent circuit. This equivalent circuit is simple and the reactance stator leakage equal to the reactance rotor leakage assumption is not required to determine the parameters. Thus, determining the parameters can be done more accurate and we can obtain core saturation characteristic similar to the actual condition. The experiment results of induction generator are presented in this paper. The rms voltage of induction generator at no loaded at speed constant1560 rpm is 220 V with frequency 52 Hz and at loaded 240 W is 198 V.ensingle phase induction generatorcore saturationeqivalen circuit type Г inversANALISIS DAN PEMODELAN GENERATOR INDUKSI SATU FASA PENGUATAN SENDIRI DENGAN RANGKAIAN EKIVALEN INVERS ГUR-Proceedings