Wilander, Wawan2013-07-312013-07-312013-07-31Nofianti,S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4872Improving Students Understanding Of Fables Text By The Second Year Students Of SMP Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru By Using Rally Table StrategyThe researcher found that students at second grade of SMP Kartika 1-5 pekanbaru had low ability in comprehending Fable. To improve students’ reading comprehension of Fable, the researcher conducted classroom action research through the use of rally table strategy.The purpose of this research were to identify does rally table strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension of fable at second grade of SMP Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru and the aspects that influence the changes of students’ reading comprehension of fable at second grade of SMP Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru. The research was conducted in the academic year 2011/2012 at SMPN 1-5 Pekanbaru. It is located in JalanDr.Sutomo no 65, Pekanbaru. The research held on May 2012.The subject of this research is the second year students of SMP Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru. For this research, the writer took one class as the sample. The writer took class VIII 2 . The number of the students is 36.This classroom action research consisted of two cycles and five meetings of each cycle; four meetings for teaching reading comprehension of fable by using rally table strategy and another meeting for reading comprehension of fable test. In each cycle consist of plan, action, observation and reflection.In collecting the data, the researcher used reading comprehension of fable test, observation checklist, and field notes which were helped by a collaborator.The ability of the students was analyzed through five components: Event, setting, characters, factual information and moral valueen-USStudents’ skill in reading narrative text,rally table strategyImproving Students Understanding Of Fables Text By The Second Year Students Of SMP Kartika 1-5 Pekanbaru By Using Rally Table Strategystudent Paper Post Degree