JuliantiJuandiMoriza, G.2013-07-232013-07-232013-07-23Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4629The investigation of soil permeability in Tampan region Pekanbaru especially in Simpang baru intersection, Tuah Karya, Delima and Sidomulyo Barat has been done. This study aims to determine the soil permeability using the calculation of law Darcy, to find out the permeability or infiltration of area. Based on the results, every village has permeability depends on the type of soil. Simpang Baru has the greatest permeabilty value of 0,9789 cm/sec in the village because it contains a lot of sand, hence it can be categorized very fast. Meanwhile Delima area and Tuah Karya have low permeablity value from 0,4838 cm/sec to 0,5782 cm/sec corresponding to slow and very slow respectively. Sidomulyo Barat village has a sandy loam soil with permeability 0,909 cm/sec which is quite fast.otherpermeabilityinfiltrationdarcyPENENTUAN PERMEABILITAS TANAH DI BEBERAPA KELURAHAN KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARUOther