Utami, Sri2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6291Cervical cancer is the growth of cervical cells are abnormal. These cells changed direction leading to dysplasia or malignancy. Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cervix that can occur in women around the world, and is the leading cause of death in women. Experimental studies have been carried out, namely education and early detection of cervical cancer by the method of VIA (Visual Inspection Acetic Acid) in the village of PDTA TI Tanjung, Sawah, Kampar Utara district, on July 14 - 15, 2012. The results obtained from the evaluation of extention about cervical cancer, which is 30% of maternal knowledge is very good knowledge, good knowledge of 31%, 8% of knowledge is enough, 23% lack of knowledge, and 8% bad knowledge. The results of early detection of cervical cancer by the method of VIA (Visual Inspection Acetic Acid) include, positive VIA of 34.3%, negative VIA of 48.6%, VIA inflammation of 8.6% and suspected cervical cancer of 8.6%.encervical cancereducationearly detectionVIA (Visual Inspection Acetic Acid)PENYULUHAN DAN DETEKSI DINI KANKER SERVIK DENGAN METODE IVA (INSPEKSI VISUAL ASAM ASETAT)UR-Proceedings