Suherman, Wahyu2022-08-262022-08-262022-04PerpustakaanElfitra study aims to apply the Cox proportional hazard regression model to the ties event using two approach methods, ie the Efron approach and the Exact approach and find out its application in the case of traffic accidents at Pekanbaru city. The accident data was taken from the Satlantas Polrestabes Pekanbaru on 2020. There are four variables that are considered in this study, ie age, gender, helmet use, and driver’s license ownership. After testing the best Cox model, the two approaches used gave the same results where there were three significant variables, driver’s license ownership, gender, and age. Then, the proportional hazard assumption was tested, where all variables met the proportional hazard assumptionenTraffic AccidentCox proportional hazard modelEfron approachExact approachMODEL COX PROPORTIONAL HAZARD DENGAN PENDEKATAN EFRON DAN EXACT PADA KECELAKAAN LALU LINTAS DI PEKANBARUArticle