Natasyah, Evelin2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yeni used of oil palm plantation waste in the form of Oil Palm Fronds (OPF), needs to increase its economic value so that it will reduce OPF waste in Riau Province, by turning it into charcoal. OPF has the potential as a base material in maked activated charcoal because it has a high carbon content. OPF is converted into Activated Charcoal of Oil Palm Fronds (ACOPF) through a carbonization process with temperature variations of 400, 500 and 600 oC for 60 minutes. The results of characterization of charcoal yield and moisture content decreased with increasing carbonization temperature, while ash content increased with increasing carbonization temperature. The data obtained from water content and ash content have met the quality requirements of technical activated carbon according to SNI 06-3730-1995. The results of the XRD analysis showed that the samples had an amorphous structure with an LH of 8,061; 8,427; 8,587 nm and the value of Lw of 24,123; 23,529; 21,055 nm. The increase in carbonization temperature causes an increase in the value of LH while the value of LW has decreased. The degree of crystallinity will increase as the carbonization temperature increasesenactivated charcoalwasteoil palm frondsKARAKTERISASI ARANG AKTIF DARI LIMBAH PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)Article