Tampubolon, Monang P.Hadi,SyaifulRifai,Ahmad2013-06-072013-06-072013-06-07arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3612Monang. P.Tampubolon. Jur. 2013.The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of UEK-SP effort for user mindset and livelihood. The research sample was taken from 57 respondent by using proportional random sampling method. They are 10% of 568 user in 2005 until 2010. The tool analysis method that used in this research is vector analysis with VPA (Vektor Project Analysis). The result of research show us the increasing mindset and livelihood for respondent as user of Umbansari UEK-SP fund. The increasing of mindset is 1.75 from 5.09 to be 6.84 with an year average increasing about 0.35. The biggest factor that had an effect on increasing of mindset aspect is the level of confidence, saving habit, information resources and knowledge. The result of this research found the increasing of livelihood is 0.51 from 5.03 to be 5.54 with an year average increasing about 0.10. The biggest factor that had an efeect on increasing of livelihood aspect is income and vocation. The user of UEK-SP mindset and livehood position before receive fund monetary from UEK-SP Umbansari have been in average which there in good category and after received the monetary fund was increasing better than before. Respondent was able to expand the business which have done, either the first business or the last business. Respondent have done business development through fund monetary assistance which taken from UEK-SP Umbansari.othermonetarymindsetlivelihood“Analisis Dampak Pemberdayaan Ppd/K Terhadap Mindset dan Livelihood Pemanfaat Dana Uek-Sp di Kelurahan Umbansari Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru”student Paper Post Degree