Linda, Tetty MartaMartina, AtriaSinaga, Juni2017-09-072017-09-072017-08-07wahyu sari yenihttp://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8974Biological control offers an enviromentally friendly alternative to the use of antifungal for controlling damping off diseases. A collection of about 24 actinomycetes strains from peat soil Siak-Riau was screened for the ability to produce metabolites that inhibit R. solani growth in vitro. Seven isolate showed strong in invitro antagonistic against R. solani in agar disc and well-difussion methods by producing extra cellular antifungal metabolites.enantifungalactinomycetesR. solaniAntifungal Spectra of Activity of Actinomycetes Strains Against Rhizoctonia solaniArticle