Hartanti, JuliErwinSyech, Riad2016-02-012016-02-012016-02-01wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/7879A study of spectrum of children voice (4-5 year old) using praat software through computer has been done. The voice of sample was recorded by using a mocrophone connected to computer equipped printed praat software.The samples are girls and boys that originected from Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Kids Center Al-Fatyah, Bina Karya Abadi and Kid’s home. The results show that the value of pitch for girls are higher than that of boys. This is due to the size of their voice band. The value of pitch are 220-290 Hz and 219-287 Hz for boys and girls respectively. The average value of formant are increased formant F1 to F3. While the value of F2 is higher for boys compared to girls. The duration for boys is longer than for girls. The time duration of girls and boys is respectively 3.0-4.0 s and 2.0-2.9 s.enformantfundamental frequency (pitch)praat softwaresound spectrumvoice of children (4-5 year old)ANALISA KARAKTERISTIK SPEKTRUM SUARA ANAK PAUD MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE PRAATstudent Paper Post Degree