Suryanto, AmbrosiusDesmelatiMirna Ilza22014-03-012014-03-012014-03-01 research was conducted to determine the quality of smoked selais fish is stored at room temperature using different curing methods. five types of smoked selais fish were preserved using liquid smoke from laban’s wood with treatment concentration of 6%, 8% which soaked in liquid smoke rough, and concentration of 6%, 8% in the distillation of liquid smoke, immersion time 60 and 90 minutes as the traditional fumigation control. Smoked selais fish were observed for 10, 20, 30, 40 days. The results indicated that the smoked fish have a good and uniform quality of all treatments, with the organoleptic quality assessment, water contain, pH, and peroxide.otherCryptopterus bicirchisliquid smokedlaban woodQUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SMOKED SELAIS (Cryptopterus bicirrhis) RESULTS USING LABAN WOOD SMOKE WITH DIFFERENT METHODS FOR THE STORAGE ROOM TEMPERATUREstudent Paper Post Degree