Aditya2013-06-102013-06-102013-06-10 Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru Writing Report TextThis research was conducted to find out the ability of the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru in writing report texts. The subjects of this research were 38 students. This research was descriptive conducted from December 2012 to January 2013. The data were obtained through a writing test. The findings of the research showed that the ability of the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru in writing report texts fell into mediocre level. It could be seen from the mean score of the students which is 59.12. Based on the result findings related to the students’ ability in writing report texts, it was suggested to English teachers to improve their teaching strategies so that the students can get better understanding and result especially regarding report textsen-USWritingReport TextA Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru Writing Report Textstudent Paper Post Degree