Zulkifli2013-05-072013-05-072013-05-07Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3249As known by execution of work or duty in a[n important office or organization mean for creation of target of office or organization, so also the things of research which is writer at Office Mayor of Pekanbaru, where at background research of problems which is writer meet is how execution of Assistant Administration function at Office Mayor of Pekanbaru. Of field observation result that there are some Assistant Administration functions less execute properly as according to Regulation of Local Government Of Number 06 Year 2008 About : Function Assistant Administration. Concept Theory which is writer use at this research is theory according to Thalizuduhu Ndaraha. In assessing execution of administration function there is 5 indicator that is : Planning function, function of guidance, decision making function, coordination function, and observation function. While factors influencing execution of administration assistant function are according to Suprihartono, that is : Factor domination of duty, ability factor work along, ability factor finish punctual work, and factor of existence of report result of correct. This research use quantitative research method and qualitative, namely given detailed picture of research result pursuant to found facts in field. In data collecting of writer use observation technique, enquette and interview. By using informan key as information source. Result of this research indicate that analysis execution of Assistant function of Adminbistrasi at Office Mayor of Pekanbaru stay in category " good enough", because from fifth of indicator execution of Assistant Administration function only decision making indicator which including category "good" with percentage (31,00), while the fourth of indicator of the included in category "good enough". Thereby can be concluded that analysis execution of Assistant Administration function at Office Mayor of Pekanbaru in category "good enough" with percentage (54,00). Factors influencing execution of Assistant function of Adminbistrasi at Office Mayor of Pekanbaru, that is ability factor finish punctual work, and factor of[is existence of report result of correctotherPlanningGuidanceDecision MakingCommunicationsObservationAnalisis Pelaksanaan Fungsi Asisten Administrasi Pada Kantor Walikota Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree