Risanto, Joko2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6326Calculating the value of the respondent answers to a research questionnaire is the connected and repeated work that would require extra time and energy. Besides the dull appearance, potential errors also occur due to saturation. To help the work, we need a computer method to recognize each letter to present an answer option (e.g. a, b, c, d and e), save it as a pattern and use as a comparison when reading the questionnaire answer sheets, so that each respondent answer can be recognized by the computer. To create a software model for this purpose we use the concept of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) by using the Back PropagationenNeural NetworksBack PropagationPattern RecognitionMEMBUAT MODEL PENGENALAN POLA JAWABAN RESPONDEN UNTUK PENGHITUNGAN SKORING PADA LEMBAR ISIAN QUESIONERUR-Proceedings