Supriadi2014-05-032014-05-032014-05-03MUCHTAR RAHMAT of the future of Iraq will be a three-state "mini" which is divided into Shiite areas in the south, Sunnis in the center, and the Kurds in the north. The U.S. continues to push the conflict into latent or permanent. One of the involvement are through CIA agents infiltrated the Sunni group, which is a bomb attack against Shiite centers, which caused many casualties against the Shiites. Later, Prime Minister Ali Nur Maliki, who long lived in the U.S., and being "guided" the CIA, reply to Sunni groups, combing Sunni populated areas by using military forces, and killed so many of the Sunni and the characters. Infiltration of the strength of political forces and groups in Iraq flow is a new strategy of CIA director Leon Panetta who served as U.S. Secretary of Defense, followed by General David Petraues. The U.S. still maintains its presence in Iraq with more efficiently, without having to pay for thousands troops again.otherInterest,Intelligence,InvasionKETERLIBATAN AMERIKA SERIKAT DALAM KONFLIK ETNIS DI IRAK PASCA REZIM SADDAM HUSEIN (2003-2010)student Paper Post Degree