Mayang Sari, Maulina2013-04-052013-04-052013-04-05 reseach briefly to experiential marketing influence which are variables sense, feel, think, act and relate to the customer loyalty of Waroeng Steak &Shake Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru branches. The population was people eating Waroeng Steak & Shake Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru branches more than 1 time a sampling technique using purposive sampling method with a total of 96 people. The method of data analysis used in this study is a quantitative method that the multiple regression analysis with SPSSotherexperiential marketingsensefeelthinkactrelatecustomer loyaltyANALISIS PENGARUH EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN PADA WAROENG STEAK & SHAKE CABANG TUANKU TAMBUSAI PEKANBARU