Nurdin, NurdinJoleha, JolehaBochari, BochariSuprayogi, Imam2021-01-082021-01-082019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni main objective of the research is to establish a recommendation for forest and land rehabilitation activities (RHL) by planting forestry tree-based community participation in Rumbio Village indigenous Forest Kampar District. Method of approach for research using SWAT Model with data input model ArcSWAT such as digital map of Earth Indonesia scale 1:25,000, geological map of Sumatra scale 1:250,000, data of rain sourced from manual rainfall measuring instruments Ombrometer from the year 2013 – 2017, daily water level (TMA) data extracted from digital measuring instruments transferred through the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) as the basis for the stage of the hydrograph, the discharge data using the rating curve equation, manual rainfall measuring equipment Ombrometer from the years 2013 – 2017 and the image of Google Earth Sub watershed Rumbio. The main results of the research proved that the management of Sub watershed Sei Tanduk in the indigenous forest of Rumbio village use SWAT Model approach by conducting forestry tree planting based on community participation using the best pattern system dry land agriculture to be used as an agroforestry to reduce sedimentation rate within two years from 2014 to 2016 by 47.80 ha/year through the activities of Land Forest Rehabilitation Program (RHL) by Watershed and Protection Forest Management Agency (BP-DASHL) Indragiri Rokan, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesiaenscenarioplanning and managementindigenous forest communitySWAT modelagroforestry patternSKENARIO PERENCANAN DAN PENGELOLAAN SUB DAS SEI TANDUK PADA HUTAN ADAT MASYARAKAT DESA RUMBIO MENGGUNAKAN SOIL & WATER ASSESMENT TOOL (SWAT)Article