Santana, TitoFitriansyah, Aidil2019-01-312019-01-312019-01-31wahyu sari yeni implementation of services at the sub-district office of Tampan Pekanbaru city has several problems such as data management less than the maximum. Then it needed an integrated service information system capable to performing data management of services digitally. Web-based integrated service information system developed by scrum agile software development method. The results obtained are integrated service information system capable to processing service data and display reports in the graph. Then the development of information systems using scrum agile software development method proved to easily overcome the changing requirements, because it gets feedback periodically. And from result of focus factor got the final value is 0,73 or 73%, so it can be said the percentage level of the focus workmanship in manufacture integrated service information system is 73%.enAgile MethodInformation SystemScrumWebSISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN TERPADU BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE SCRUM DI KANTOR KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARUArticle