Jayasari, Dewi2013-08-292013-08-292013-08-29Nofianti,S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5240Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Kancing Gemerincing Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas XI IPSHave been [done/conducted] [by] research of class action ( PTK) with aim to to know the make-up of result learn class student history of XI IPS I SMAN 5 Dumai School Year 2011 / 2012 by using model study of Co-Operative technique Latch Ting-A-Ling. Research [done/conducted] on 14 October until 21 November 2011. Amount of student in research counted 23 people ( 10 men student and 13 woman student). Research parameter [is] teacher activity, student activity and result learn ( absorpsion and complete learn student). Result of research indicate that the amount of activity mean learn [at] cycle of I [is] 19% with category ( enough), [at] cycle of II mount to become 32% with category ( very good). Amount of mean entire/all student activity to entire/all activity [at] cycle of I [is] 462% ( enough), [at] cycle of II mount to become 652,5% ( goodness). Result learn in the form of student absorpsion and complete learn student, [at] cycle of I, Post test I 69,78% ( Less), [at] post test II mount to become 76,30% ( Cukup) with daily restating 78,69% ( Enough). While [at] cycle of II, post test I 83,30% ( Whether), [at] post test II become 87,39% ( Baik) with daily restating 87,08% ( Whether). Complete learn cycle student of I [is] 82,60% and cycle of II become 95,65%. From result of research can be concluded that with applying of model study of Co-Operative technique Latch Ting-A-Ling can improve result learn class student history of XI IPS I SMAN 5 Dumaien-USModel Study Of Co-Operative Technique Latch Ting-A-LingHistoryResult of LearningPenerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Kancing Gemerincing Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas XI IPS 1 Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Di SMAN 5 Dumaistudent Paper Post Degree